SAN PEDRO YACHT CLUB would like ALL of you to play a part in making SPYC YOUR CLUB by bringing more of YOU to it; by sharing your knowledge or expertise; maybe you have methods or ways of doing something/anything, that others have shown interest in; or sharing a handy, useful tip or secret to help make a project, chore, even our lives that much easier!
ALL OF US HAVE SOMETHING in us that we can do better than others, so why not share it? And we all have room to learn from one another. With all of these new members, there also must be alot of new thoughts & ideas that haven't been brought to the surface yet--let's dig them out and have some fun with the new uncharted territory!
CHECK OUT OUR "CALENDAR OF EVENTS", to your right -->. Pick any day you like that says "OPEN" or a date that ISN'T listed, which means that it's available for you to start planning; making it whatever you'd like it to be, or doing whatever you'd like to do & bringing that part of you that is ONLY YOU!
GO AHEAD, PICK A DAY: to 'work' with, 'schedule' it with us & start planning for 'YOUR DAY' today, with something you would like to share or bring to the Club. Make it all yours; show us who you are; expand our avenues for having fun! Heck...there are 366 days this year, have at it, take more than one if you want: take two, three, even four (4) days & open up your ideas on the Club and let's just have fun!! Whatever you want to make it! Take advantage of the opportunity, it doesn't come your way very often: up to four (4) whole days of your very own this year, to do with as you choose, with no boundaries, (save of course, legal being a given!!). Just let loose and enjoy; the ideas are endless...the ONLY thing stopping you is your imagination!
LET'S SEE...YOU COULD: plan an outing or adventure; guide or instruct a "how-to" (on any subject) that others have shown an interest in or that would be beneficial to know; put together an intimate special meal or even a large banquet or BBQ; maybe you've come up with new ideas for movie munchies, (Hey, maybe even a movie!!!) &/or "Bar Bites"--something to munch on while chatting or playing the latest board or card game(s); haven't had a chess, backgammon, or poker tournament in awhile!; plan & map out a "Scavenger Hunt" around the marina(s); start a Raffle w/ an interesting prize/offer for the winner; make anything (here or elsewhere) of interest into a contest or competition; get together w/ Tim (or maybe YOU are the fisherperson!) before the weekend & set up a "fish fry" for dinner that night, right off the boat (NOW THAT'S FRESH!!); have a celebration or party in honour of someone special, or their birthday; Hey! You could even throw Yourself a Birthday Party!!!! It's up to you: Do whatever you so desire. *(Within reason, Mind You! There must be SOME limitations!)
JUST BE CREATIVE! Maybe you have some insight or found a solutions to an 'ever-nagging' problem that the rest of us might benefit from; or have seen or heard any new or unusual entertainment; possibly lead us down avenues never travelled; and with you giving it the introduction you can peresent it with a 'FLAIR' that's all your own; having "THAT-LITTLE-BIT-OF-SOMETHING'' that is You & ONLY YOU; giving it an added 'SPARK' that shows your seal of approval, with pride in what you've done; and bearing your signature, your final touch that says: "MAKE MY DAY"!
YOU WILL HAVE A FRESH START TO MAKE YOUR DAY: you will have a clean slate, an open canvas, a white board, if you will, for choosing & using any available, unscheduled day this year & 'making' it all yours ; a day to remember: whatever you want it to be...*(OK! Well, ALMOST.)
NOW THAT I'VE LAID OUT ALL THE GROUND RULES, and all of these thoughts and ideas are roaming around your head(s), trying to all get out and figure out just what to do . . . maybe we should have just made this into a contest or competition right from the start!!!!!
**This could be you!!! --> -->
YES, "IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU"! Depending on how & where your adventure takes you, we will incorporate an extra "bonus-helping-hand" to make sure it all works the way you had planned. That 'somthing extra' we can add to your day for being the first one to respond will be decided upon according to your chosen subject, idea or "theme", with your "finished product" in mind! Thus we may call upon you to be a consultant.
**THIS EXTRA BONUS "HELPING HAND" is only offered to the first person to respond to this contest/offer, which has now been named "MAKE MY DAY". The general contest/competition will span the entire year, from NOW (@ the time of this posting) up until the holidays which start @ Thanksgiving. During the entire year, when each "MAKE MY DAY" entrant or event is occurring, we will have a 'standard-form-of-questions' and 'items-to-vote-on' for all participants having experienced any or all of your "MAKE MY DAY" adventures. This will provide first hand opinions & experience so as to accurately provide as fresh & valid of a response as possible. (This can and should aid both you as the creator, we as the open mind of the Club/SPYC, and anyone looking to expand their arena of ideas/ways & means, with a variety of innovative & fresh recreational fun!) We are still expanding in membership with more & more new faces--which ALSO brings with them many new thoughts and ideas!!! So, there is ALOT to be GOT coming through our doors. IT'S ALL IN HOW YOU USE IT! The more you put into it, the more you get out of it!!!
~SO! Give it ALL you've got!
. . . "MAKE MY DAY"!! . . . . SHOW US YOUR STUFF!
Scheduling, Planning & Responses Made Thru Pamela @ the Club; Or- Email Us:
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